DevKit Texture Import and Serialize Plugin
DevKit Texture Import and Serialize IO
Delivers 7 brand-new blueprint nodes for use within your project. The code removes the hassle of diving into c++ for, and exposes the functionality to, import image files as Texture2Ds asynchronously (without game hitches). While also returning a Custom Raw Texture Data Structure that can be saved in a variable later. The Raw Texture Data structure holds all the necessary information to recreate a Texture2D at runtime!
Texture2Ds are transient by default, meaning that as soon as there is zero references to them, they are deleted from memory. With the DevKit Texture Import and Serialize Plugin, you can save any Texture2D in runtime as Raw Data. Even procedural textures made at runtime! These can then be recreated when needed from that Data!
The 7 new nodes:
- Import Image From Disk
- Import Image From Disk Async
- Convert Texture2D to Raw Data
- Check Raw Texture Data Is Valid (Pure)
- Write Raw Texture Data to File
- Load Raw Texture Data From File
- Write Raw Data to Texture2D
Custom Raw Texture Data can also be written and saved to a custom binary file for later!
Supported Image File Types:
SHOWCASE VIDEO 1 (Plugin Demo with File Dialog)
SHOWCASE VIDEO 2 (Vanilla Plugin Demo)
Technical Details
- Runtime Import Image Files as Texture2D Asynchronously (and Raw Data Struct)
- Runtime Import Image Files as Texture2D on the Game Thread (and Raw Data Struct)
- Runtime Convert Transient Texture2Ds to Custom Raw Texture Data structure
- Runtime Convert Raw Texture Data to Texture2D for use in Unreal
- Save Raw Texture Data to custom binary file
- Load Raw Texture Data from custom binary files
Code Modules:
- DevKitTextureSerializeIO [Runtime]
Number of Blueprints: 2 (7 Blueprint Nodes)
Number of C++ Classes: 2
Network Replicated: No
Supported Development Platforms: Win64 (Untested on Mac and Android)
Supported Target Build Platforms: Win64 (Untested on Mac and Android)
Documentation: Link to DOCUMENTATION
Example Project: In Plugin Content
Packaged Demo of Plugin: DOWNLOAD LINK
Example Project of Demo: DOWNLOAD LINK
Important/Additional Notes: Within the Plugin Content Folder there is SamplePNGs and Sample Raw Data Binaries to Test Loading that won't show up in the Unreal Content Browser. To compile and use the Example Project of Demo, the plugin "EasyFileDialog" is needed to be enabled - which is free on the marketplace.
Plugin Files for Unreal Engine 4.27, 5.0 & 5.1 - That can be easily extracted into any and all projects in which you'd like to use this plugin.